par Annelies | Déc 2, 2020 | Blog
[:en]What is Dry Needling? Dry Needling treats myofascial pains. The causes of these pains can vary from trauma, posture and chronic overuse, all the way to stress and fatigue. The muscle reacts by tensing up and creating a very localized and painful area of the...
par HannahFr | Juin 5, 2020 | Blog
[:en]Anxiety. So, what does it FEEL like in your system? Physically it could feel like: tightness in the chest, a rounded, closed (to life) posture; difficulty breathing deeply; difficulty sleeping or oversleeping; increased heart rate; overeating or under eating;...
par Annelies | Mar 7, 2020 | Blog
[:en]In the holistic approach we often hear people talking about body (physical), mind (mental) and soul (spiritual) alignment but what does it mean? As physiotherapists we are taught to observe and transform body alignment, which refers to how the head, shoulders,...
par Annelies | Fév 11, 2020 | Blog
[:en]Stephanie Holmes explains the importance of core stability for mountain sports, an article for Verbierlife. What is core stability? Many of us have come across the term core stability- whether it be from a physio, Pilates teacher or ski instructor, in recent...
par admin | Août 22, 2019 | Blog
[:en]What is Yoga? The word yoga itself means union, union with the divine, god, unconditional love, universal consciousness, our heart centre or whatever word you choose to use to describe spirit. Yoga is an ancient system of physical postures, breathing techniques,...
par admin | Avr 15, 2019 | Blog
[:en]A blog by Stephanie from PhysioVerbier on tissue healing The question we most commonly get asked as physios is- how long until I can get back to normal? How long will my injury take to heal? When ca I start playing sport again? As a junior physiotherapist working...